Well summer has begun, maybe not officially according to the calendar, but Summer starts early for us in the desert. Temperatures are already well on their way up. Pools are open, and the smell of baby sunscreen is in the air. We bought an above ground pool that's a decent size so that we could take Alexus any day, any time. We also bought a bumble bee floater so she can freely kick to where she wants to go. We went to the river and the lake as well. She loves the water.

A few other new things she has picked up since our last update. Picking herself up, crawling EVERYWHERE, walking if you hold her hands, drinking water from a cup, and more things I'm sure I didn't mention. She is growing so fast. She babbles until she can't stay awake anymore, she gets excited when mommy n daddy come home from work, she will be standing up in her crib by the time you get in there to pick her up from a nap, and she weighs over 16 lbs and is over 2 ft tall now. She's learning to be more gentle when she pets Tom instead of pulling all his fur out :) She is getting pretty close to being too tall for her car seat. She gives hugs and kisses. She won't take things from strangers and half the time won't smile at them anymore. She gives them the "who are you and what makes you think you have the right to talk to me" face. She loves the camera, video or still. She smiles back ALL the time, unless she's already upset.

Daddy (Chris) still has his job at O'Reilly's but is searching high and low for another job. Apparently his boss intends to write him up for taking 2 days off to stay with me in the hospital and every other time in the past that he has taken time off to be there at the hospital with me. Ridiculous. Especially since Chris always made sure someone could cover his shift. Other than that, he's enjoying the nicer weather for riding and getting to do more things outdoors.

Mommy(me) is now short a gall bladder. But for the better. The constant pain after eating ANYTHING was just too much. We found out during/after the surgery that if i hadn't gotten the gall bladder and stones removed when i did it could have killed me within a month. So I'm thanking God on that one. I can't even imagine what that would have been like. Anyways. So I have a week of con-leave and a month of no lifting pushing pulling jumping running...pretty much anything beyond walking. Which probably means I will be back up pushing papers for at least another month. I did achieve my 5-level though and that's what I really wanted. Whatever they assign me to, I will as always do it to the best of my abilities.