Thursday, September 13, 2012


Well i think it may be high time for me to do a new entry in here. i want to start off with the negativish stuff to get it out of the way. I don't want to give a whole lot of details but i would like to inform people to an extent just to hopefully avoid awkward questions.

First of all, Chris and I have gone our seperate ways. The way things are set up right now, he has visitation with Alexus every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. I have her the rest of the week and have been rather blessed in terms of finding childcare. Aside from my mom and AJ, one of my best friends here in Nevada, her mom watches her on occaision, a couple other close friends of ours watch her. Chris watches her while I am at work on his days.
Second of all, I lost 2 of my grandparents this year. Within a few weeks of each other. One on my mom's side and one on my dad's. I made it to the memorial for one and the last few days for the other. I sadly will miss the memorial for the second one but I will be there in spirit. I miss them both terribly. They were great assests to this world and will be missed by many.

Now on to happier things.

First: Alexus is now 11 months old. Hard to believe how quickly time has passed. She is walking, knows up mama and dada. she knows what "not for Alexus" means as well as "be nice to Tom" (our cat.)

This is Alexus's gift from Nana. She absolutely LOVES it. I'm thankful that she was able to meet both Nana and Grandpa before they passed. Even though she won't really remember, she will have pictures and know who they are.

Second good thing: I got promoted :) making 200 a month more now. helps a lot more than i thought it would. have a plan to put it into savings and create a cushion for emergencies. Hopefully get my debts paid off soon. kinda tired of having those around!

And of course I have all the normal things to be thankful for. House/home, family and friends who are always there for me no matter what, food, clean water, a career, good medical care, the opportunity for furthering my education and most importantly the love of God and his watchful eye over me. I have learned alot in this past year and have found a renewed dependency on Him. I may not always understands the events that happen in my life but I know with His guidance I can make it through anything. I am thankful for all the prayers that have been and will be said for Alexus and myself, as well as Chris.

Until next time I want to leave you with some quotes.. they are kind of my new thing :)

"Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius."
                                                   George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
                                                  Roald Dahl

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